On a daily basis, I wake up grateful to no longer live along the Wasatch Front. No disrespect to our fellow Utahns who dwell up there, but every time I make the trip up there the first thought I have is “when can we leave.”

It's not that there isn't anything fun to do in the more populated parts of Utah, but all those cars. And all that traffic. That's why I was surprised to find out that the longest commute here in the Beehive state doesn't happen in Salt Lake County. Or Davis County. Or Utah County. Not even Weber County.


Nope, according to this report from Stacker, the worst commute in Utah, in terms of the longest average commute time is Tooele County. With an average commute time of 29 minutes, the commute time in Tooele County is 7 minutes longer than the average commute in Utah.

And if you want to narrow the scope of the report to the area of the encompassed by the Five County Association of Governments, I think you will again be surprised. It's Beaver County.

I think when we think “commute” we automatically jump to a freeway jammed with non-moving vehicles and a lot of frustration by the occupants of those stopped cars. We had a glimpse of that this morning when an accident shut down Interstate 15 between the Washington Parkway exit and the St. George Boulevard exit.

Utah Highway Patrol
Utah Highway Patrol

But in its simplest terms, the commute is just getting from home to the workplace or other daily activities. And even though we generally don't deal with the traffic problems of places like the Wasatch Front, the daily commute can be a significant source of frustration and stress for many individuals.

Commuting often requires a substantial amount of time each day, particularly for those who live far from their destinations. This can result in a significant portion of the day being spent on travel.


Again, not that much of an issue here in southern Utah, but dealing with congested roads and highways is a common frustration during the commute. The stop-and-go traffic, delays, and long queues can lead to increased stress levels.

Commuting expenses can take a toll on one's budget. Costs such as fuel, parking fees, tolls, or public transportation fares can accumulate and contribute to financial strain.

Long commutes, especially in cramped or uncomfortable conditions, can leave individuals feeling physically exhausted even before starting their day. The mental strain of dealing with traffic or navigating public transportation can also contribute to fatigue.


Lengthy commutes can eat into personal time, limiting opportunities for relaxation, hobbies, or spending time with loved ones. Achieving a healthy work-life balance can become more challenging when a significant portion of the day is dedicated to commuting.

Commuters who drive face the risks associated with accidents or road hazards, which can be a source of anxiety and danger during the daily commute.


Still, the commute can let a person de-stress after the work day. There was a time my my job required me to travel back and forth between Cedar and St. George, and I generally found the trip home to be somewhat relaxing.

And one other factor that may be adding to the commute time in these smaller counties is that things tend to be more spread out. And, in the case of Tooele County you need to factor in that over 43% or people work outside of that county, likely driving to Salt Lake County for employment. By comparison only 7.4% of Iron County workers leave the county for their jobs and only 1.8% of the workforce from Washington County leave the area for work.


And the commute time in both Iron and Washington counties is below the state average, so we really do have it pretty good. Even though our commute may come with a degree of a hassle, sometime it's best just to enjoy the ride.


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