Virginia Loomis and Old Main at SUU:
Legend has it, Virginia Loomis was murdered in the 1800s. Her body was found on the giant rock that was used to make the bricks for the Old Main. Some of the bricks even contained her blood! Her boyfriend, a man named Steven Farr was believed to be her murderer. Later, Farr got a job as the janitor at SUU where it appears Virginia's REVENGE took place. According to SUU's website HERE they say: "On his first day of work he was allegedly lighting the old coal furnace in Old Main's basement when something caused the furnace door to slam shut on his arm... He burned to death, unable to wrench free, becoming the human torch that burned Old Main to the ground in 1948." They say the ghost of Virginia was seen "Laughing in the flames!"
Escalante Petrified Forest:
Do you believe in curses? Many believe a curse DEFINITELY lives at the Escalante Petrified Forest. If you ever visit... DO NOT take anything home with you. Especially a piece of petrified wood. Every year, Officials at the Escalante Petrified Forest receive hunks of petrified wood in the mail with letters apologizing for taking it. These people have admitted to be hit with INSTANT bad luck after taking the wood. Car accidents, Injuries, Illnesses, Loss of their jobs, and more! Is it all a coincidence?
Skinwalker Ranch:
You may have seen or heard of the Hit History Channel/Netflix Show: The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch. The first couple episodes are cheesy... but definitely a little creepy. But what IS Skinwalker Ranch? It is a mysterious hotbed for UFO's and other paranormal phenomena. Warnings of DO NOT DIG loom. People that HAVE dug on Skinwalker Ranch have ended up in Emergency Rooms after unexplainable illnesses. One man ended up in the ER after digging on the land. His head started to hurt, and suddenly he had an extremely large bump on his head where the muscle was separating from his skull. He refuses to dig on the land now. Other's have reported seeing "things" watching them, and even technological equipment goes haywire while being on the land. Animals have also been found with their blood drained but no blood anywhere on the ground or body... Very eerie.
Ted Bundy:
If you live in the USA, you've probably heard of Ted Bundy. If you live in Utah, you've DEFINITELY heard of Ted Bundy. Bundy was a serial killer who confessed to killing 30 women, though it was believed he actually killed dozens, maybe hundreds more. Ted Bundy was a Utah Citizen, student of the University Of Utah, and an active member of the LDS church. Bundy had a cave in American Fork Canyon where he admitted to keeping, and killing women inside. Ted also confessed to killing 8 Utah women during his time in Utah, but nobody knows if he was telling his TRUE number there.
The Weeping Lady Of The Spanish Fork Cemetery:
If you ever stop by the Spanish Fork Cemetery, you'll come across this MASSIVE headstone. This belongs to Laura Daniels Ferreday of Payson. She was laid to rest in 1929. Some say you can hear her weeping in the cemetery. Some believe if you walk through the cemetery with your eyes closed, you can hear her. Others say they've seen tears streaming down her face.