Semaglutide is a drug developed to manage type 2 diabetes with a nice side effect of helping users lose weight. Because of this it has taken Utah by storm and many people are using it with stellar results.

Photo by Allen Taylor on Unsplash
Photo by Allen Taylor on Unsplash

#1 mistake is not following doctor's orders.

Since so many people are using a variety of it in Utah you should know that doctors have a specific warning that we should be aware of: Take it according to your doctor's directions. Often patients figure that if a little is working adding more will give increased results, but remember this is a type 2 diabetes medication and taking too much or skipping doses can mess with your blood sugar levels.

Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash
Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

You should also know that this seemingly silver bullet is to be used in concert with the other big two health suggestions. A good diet and exercise.

These are not as extreme as misuse of doses, but you should know that you will get more dramatic results if you provide your body proper nutrition and as many have reported allow your appetite to shrink to smaller portions.

Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash
Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

Exercise is always a plus and can help maintain a balance of blood sugar levels as well as burn off calories that your body will use as fuel.

Read More: Here’s How to Starve Ducks By Feeding Them in Southern Utah

I have talked to many users who were first introduced to some form of semaglutide, the generic name for many varieties of the treatment, to manage blood sugar levels and then discovered the side effect of weight loss. So, it fills a need in more weighs (pun strenuously intended) than just the weight loss, but no matter your purpose for using it remember to stick to your doctor recommended regiment and let's get healthy.

Swap Out Oil Based Products To Help With Weight Loss

Your skin absorbing oil gives the body something to burn as fuel before turning to your reserve fat. You can still lose weight without making the switch but this is a tip that experts really suggest.

Gallery Credit: Shannon Holly

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