We Are Not Interested In You're Rain Making Technology

Utah has had some crazy weather lately. In fact, this year has seen its share of surprise storms bringing hail and wind. We are fine if it is a natural occurrence, but we don't want you salting the clouds and producing a man made effect.

If you find yourself with superpowers that make it so you can throw lightning like Thor or stir up a storm like Storm, don’t do it. It is illegal in Utah. You read that right. It is against the law.

Photo by Manuel Salinas on Unsplash
Photo by Manuel Salinas on Unsplash

There Is A Law Against Seeding Those Clouds

Check out the code from Utah law. It specifically bans cloud seeding by anyone other than the State of Utah and the Division of Water Resources. Here is a short explanation about what cloud seeding is: 

Cloud seeding is a weather modification technique that improves a cloud’s ability to produce rain or snow by introducing tiny ice nuclei into certain types of subfreezing clouds. 

It is a way of getting the moisture out of the clouds and it can be done from an airplane or shot into the clouds from the ground.  

Upon reaching the cloud, the silver iodide acts as an ice forming nuclei to aid in the production of snowflakes. 

Cloud seeding is still a developing science, and the results are often questionable. I can see why they wouldn’t want just anyone with a potato cannon shooting stuff into the clouds in Utah. 

Read More: Common Household Items That Are Weirdly Illegal In Utah

If you are not allowed to mess with the weather using an airplane and silver iodides, I would imagine superpowers are out.  

Photo by Timothy Eberly on Unsplash
Photo by Timothy Eberly on Unsplash

So, where does that leave us with prayer? There are plenty of us sending pleadings heavenward when there’s a drought or too much rain. Probably not a big deal unless your faith is too effective. If so, expect a knock on your door from the Division of Water Resources next time you hit your knees. 

The Definitive List of The Oddest, Strangest and Downright Filthy Town Names In Every State

We combed through list after list of the oddest, strangest and somewhat naughty-sounding town names in every state. From Smut Eye to Ding Dong, you can learn unbelievable facts about each of these towns below.

Gallery Credit: Rob Carroll

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