Utah Firefighters Unlikely To Get Weather Break This WeekUtah Firefighters Unlikely To Get Weather Break This WeekRapid growth of the Silver King Fire to 10026 acres in 24 hours poses challenges for firefighters amidst extreme weather conditions.Dr. TDr. T
Southern Utah Continues Under Red Flag Warning: KSUB News SummarySouthern Utah Continues Under Red Flag Warning: KSUB News SummaryThe National Weather Service warned that with increasing winds gusting to 45 miles per hour and a drop in humidity.Dr. TDr. T
Firefighters Battling Tough Conditions In Little Twist Fire UpdateFirefighters Battling Tough Conditions In Little Twist Fire UpdateMinimal growth observed in the Little Twist Fire on Sunday, but forecast predicts increased fire activity due to weather conditions today.Dr. TDr. T
Two Fires Burning In And Near Southern Utah Continue To GrowTwo Fires Burning In And Near Southern Utah Continue To GrowThe Thompson Ridge Fire has grown and now touches three counties in southern Utah.Dr. TDr. T