Utah Housing Costs Continue To Rise: KSUB News Summary
The cost of buying a home in Utah continues to climb. A new Bankrate study indicates that the cost of home ownership in Utah has gone up by 44 percent--the nation's largest increase. The national average cost of maintaining a home over one year is more than 18-thousand dollars, an increase of 26 percent over the last four years. In 2020, Utah's costs were cheaper than most of the country at just thirteen thousand dollars. These costs have jumped to 19-thousand. The most expensive states for these hidden home costs are California and Hawaii at approximately 29-thousand dollars annually. Kentucky checks in with the cheapest home-associated costs of just eleven thousand five hundred dollars.
IOC Says Salt Lake City Should Host 2034 Winter Games
The International Olympic Committee's Future Host Commission says today it is recommending that Utah host the 2034 Winter Games. With this recommendation, the state and Salt Lake City has just more hurdle to jump before the decision will be golden. The IOC will consider its final vote for the host and site in July. That decision is expected to happen prior to the start of the 2024 Summer Games in Paris.
Accused Child Killer To Make Court Appearance
Prosecutors in Provo say Kent Cody Barlow was expected to be arraigned on two counts of first-degree murder today in Fourth District Court. Barlow was previously charged with two counts of manslaughter for the deaths of Hunter Jackson and Odin Ratliff during the tenure of a former county attorney. Now County Attorney Jeff Gray and his prosecution team have amended the charges to two counts of first-degree murder under what is termed a depraved indifference theory. A judge in May ruled the state had met its burden and he ordered Barlow to stand trial. Gray had also asked the judge to remove Barlow's defense attorney Ben Aldana and the Utah County Public Defender's Office from the case. That motion was denied.
Lamborghini Stolen From Salt Lake Airport
Police say someone stole an unlocked Lamborghini with keys left inside from the Salt Lake International Airport sometime last week. The owner of the blue Urus which is Lambo's version of an SUV reported the theft to police on Sunday. The vehicle is valued at approximately 234-thousand dollars. The thief was caught on surveillance video two days after the owner parked the Lamborghini and six days before the owner reported it stolen. A man is seen in the video on June 3rd approaching the vehicle, checking doors and opening the trunk before eventually driving away. Police say the thief may have flown into the airport and just went to the parking garage looking for any available means of transportation. The investigation is ongoing.
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