Cedar City staff and community members expressed deep appreciation for outgoing council members Terri Hartley and Craig Isom and their eight years of dedication serving on the city council and various board appointments. They were recognized for their service at the December 13th city council meeting with thoughtful words and memories shared by many. 

Having each served two terms on the Cedar City council, Hartley and Isom served on various committees and board appointments set by the Mayor. Hartley served on the Airport Board, Iron County Water Conservancy District Board, Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant Board, and Iron County Economic Development Committee. Isom served on the Planning Commission, Library Board, Iron County Homebuilders Government Relations Committee, and Iron County Economic Development Committee, which is appointed through SUU.

Cedar City
Cedar City

Fellow city council members expressed their appreciation for the outgoing council members and shared about the value they both had in caring for the community. After December, they will continue to spend time in our community enjoying their grandchildren and hobbies. 

In a press release, Hartley expressed her thanks for the opportunity to serve saying, “I am very appreciative of this opportunity to serve. The biggest lesson I’ve learned is what goes on behind the scenes that we take for granted. Thank you so much for this opportunity.” 

Hartley and Isom both expressed their gratitude for the city staff and all that goes into making a city run smoothly.

Cedar Ciy
Cedar Ciy

“I’ve worked with some wonderful people,” said Councilmember Isom. “We have incredible staff in this community and they make it run. I hope as we move forward, we can work together with each other and maintain this beautiful place to live and grow.” 

Fellow city council members expressed their appreciation for the outgoing council members and shared about the value they both had in caring for the community. 

The two newly elected city councilmembers, Robert Cox and Carter Wilkey, as well as incumbent Tyler Melling will be sworn into office on Tuesday, January 2nd at noon in the council chambers. 

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