From Bites To Stings: Utah’s Most Deadly Insects Ranked & Revealed
I have found that there are many gross ways to die. And how did ticks not make the top 5 deadliest bugs on this list? Be careful, spring renews all the bad with the good. Here are the top 5 deadliest bugs calling Utah home:
#5 Locust- The Migratory Locust in North America decimated the crops of the early pioneer settlers of Utah. As the story goes, there were so many locusts that you could not see and the crops were covered in them. The settler's known at the time as 'Mormons,' now refer to themselves as members of The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints, prayed for relief from the scourge (later know as Mormon Crickets) on the valley and were rescued by 'great flocks of seagulls.'
Ehrlich talks about the locusts and says, "It remains the world's largest recorded insect outbreak. Here in Utah, at the time of the transcontinental railroad, migratory locusts periodically descended on the homesteads of Mormon settlers, laying up to 1 billion eggs per acre."
#4 Fleas- Fleas can be indirectly deadly through their role in transmitting diseases. While a single flea bite is not typically deadly, fleas are known carriers for things like Yersinia pestis, which causes bubonic plague. When infected fleas bite a host, they can transmit these diseases, potentially leading to severe illness or death if left untreated. Historically, fleas have been responsible for significant disease outbreaks like The Black Plague and Typhus, making them a public health concern when proper control measures are not in place. thank goodness for modern sanitary conditions and health practices.
#3 Bees- We need bees. They pollinate everything and make delicious honey. But they can also be deadly. Bees have the ability to deliver painful and potentially lethal stings. When a bee feels threatened, it may sting to defend itself, injecting venom into the victim. For individuals who are allergic to bee stings, this venom can trigger a severe and life-threatening allergic reaction known as anaphylaxis. Multiple bee stings, even for those without allergies, can also be dangerous due to the cumulative effect of venom in the body, potentially leading to serious health issues or death. With the introduction of Africanized bee our local bees have become more aggressive and protective of their queen and honey.
#2 Kissing Bugs- These sound cute right? Well listen to this and decided.
Kissing bugs, also known as triatomine bugs, can be deadly due to their ability to transmit a parasite called Trypanosoma cruzi. When these bugs bite a human, they often defecate near the bite site. If the person scratches the bite and unknowingly rubs the bug's feces into the wound or mucous membranes (such as the eyes or mouth), the parasite can enter the body. Eeeeeeeeew!
Trypanosoma cruzi causes Chagas disease, which can lead to serious health complications if left untreated. Chagas disease can become chronic and eventually damage the heart, digestive system, and other organs. In severe cases, Chagas disease can be life-threatening, particularly if it results in heart problems or affects individuals with weakened immune systems.
#1 The Mosquito- What good are these?? Every time you go to a ballgame or camping these buggers come out in full force. They like to eat me alive. I get so many bites compared to my husband!
Mosquitoes themselves don't straight-up kill us, but they're like little disease delivery agents. When these bloodsuckers bite us, they can pass on some seriously nasty stuff like malaria, dengue fever, Zika, yellow fever, and West Nile virus. These diseases can make us super sick or even kill us if they get real bad. Malaria, for instance, can give you a sky-high fever and mess up your organs, while dengue fever can turn into a life-threatening mess. So, thank you mosquito abatement district for trying to keep mosquitoes at bay.

Ah, spring, the time when nature throws a fabulous party, and everything comes to life again!
Spring brings back the robins, bluebirds, and sparrows doing their aerial ballet around nests in our yards, laying eggs, and playing the role of vigilant parents. We've got nests popping up in our trees, and, of course, the not-so-adorable wasps' nests around our gutters. But those balls of leaves in your tree aren't nests for birds or wasps.
You spot a clump of leaves in a tree during spring, and you think, "Ah, a cozy bird's nest!" Well, don't bet on that cause you might be mistaken! Those leafy bundles are the VIP lounges of the animal kingdom, known as dreys.
According to the geography gurus at Geography Realm, these are the secret hideaways for squirrels. Picture a saucer-shaped, shallow leafy paradise where squirrels play hide-and-seek, raise their young, and enjoy a good nap, rain or shine.
But here's the kicker: dreys often start as nests. Squirrels don't let a good bird-made nest go to waste. They add a touch of leafy luxury, turning it into a drey fit for a squirrel king or queen. And bare branches? Pfft, those won't cut it for the squirrels. So, they pack on the leaves, turning dreys into the hottest springtime accommodations.
Now, if your birdfeeders are experiencing a squirrel invasion, take a peek at the trees in your yard. Odds are, you've got a drey, and your squirrels are planning their next buffet. Happy springtime squirrel spotting!

Allergy season has already begun.....and I'm feeling conflicted about it. On one hand that means spring blossoms will soon be everywhere and bright green new growth will be on the bushes and trees. But my eyes already itch...
Not being able to breathe is one of the worst things!
Of all the parts of allergies, I think not breathing is the most frustrating to me. You can't sleep, so trying to function through allergy and hay fever season is rough. So what can you do?
Obviously you can take meds, but those make me feel icky too. So I look for more natural ways to combat most things.
Here are the top 3 things you can do to help you breathe.
#1 Nasal Strips & Vapor Rub
This combo will knock out mild nasal blockage. It works great and feels good. Read all the directions and take care of yourself before bed. If you can do it again for a nap, even better!
And if you can find one of the vapor smelly stick things, they are wonderful! ♥
I would check the dollar store for the smelly sticks because I have found them there and I bought like 10 at once hahahah. They are THAT great.
Get a great one here - https://a.co/d/6wX2heK
#2 Essential Oil Diffuser
Don't knock it till you try it. They aren't that pricy and you can keep that eucalyptus smell going all night long. It also adds moisture to the air witch is great for your bronchial passages. There are plenty of oils you can choose from to help you feel better. *Bonus* You can use it year round for health and mood help.
Check this one out. It comes with a bunch of essential oils too! https://a.co/d/ay2zu5o
#3 Neti Pot
Just do it! I am telling you, it changed my allergy and sick life. It's like a small tea pot that you put some nasal salt in and tip into one side of your nose and you let it drain out the other nostril. I know it sounds horrible but I am telling you, if you can't breathe, this will be a game changer. And those are your top 3 hay fever hacks.
You can get an inexpensive, plastic one for travel like this- https://a.co/d/4fT4vvK
Get some nasal salt. This is my favorite. https://a.co/d/8I9Q54Q
These 3 actions give you something to do to feel like you are at least trying to fight the misery. *Bonus- keep some salve, Vaseline or ointment handy for your raw and very sore nose.