I have a job I enjoy very much. I have written before the pleasure I get from being here to watch the city rise and begin another day of activity. It is truly a blessing. But, had I had the choice today, I would have stayed home and taken the day off. Not because I'm tired of the workplace, but because of what I feel compelled to express today.

In a world that seems to have a desire to run at a breakneck speed away from faith and religion, I need to take a moment and stand against that tide.


I have been given so much, to not express my gratitude would be in a very real sense, criminal.

I am grateful for the redemption given to me from Jesus Christ.


Someday, I may take time to chronicle for you the journey I had during the health issues that I faced a couple of years ago. Suffice it to say, as a result of my cancer diagnosis, I was able to be exposed to spiritual experiences that, to me are cherished things. The entire process has turned out to be a positive journey in my life. It was because of this experience that I was able to meet Jehovah-Rapha, the God who Heals. I was given a healing I couldn't imagine having, and it wasn't strictly healing from the cancer, although that was amazing.

No, there was a more complete healing given to me that only was able to happen because of the events we recall and revere this weekend.


Good Friday is a significant day for Christians around the world as it marks the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ. It is observed on the Friday before Easter Sunday, and it is one of the most important days in the Christian calendar. This day is also known as Holy Friday, Black Friday, or Great Friday.

The importance of Good Friday lies in its significance in Christian theology. Jesus was crucified and died on the cross to save humanity from sin and eternal damnation. As we read in the New Testament, Jesus was betrayed by Judas, arrested, and sentenced to death by crucifixion by the Roman authorities. He was then crucified on a hill called Golgotha, outside the walls of Jerusalem. According to Christian belief, Jesus' death was a sacrifice, and through it, he redeemed humanity from sin.


Good Friday is also an opportunity for Christians to reflect on their faith and the sacrifice that Jesus made for them. Many Christians observe this day by attending church services, fasting, and praying. Some churches hold special services like the Stations of the Cross, which retell the events leading up to Jesus' crucifixion.

Apart from its religious significance, Good Friday is also a day of compassion and charity for many Christians. They take the opportunity to reach out to the less fortunate and the marginalized in society and extend their help and support to them.


Good Friday is a crucial day for Christians worldwide. It is a day to remember and reflect on the ultimate sacrifice that Jesus made for humanity. It is also an opportunity to extend love, compassion, and support to those in need. Moreover, it was necessary to open the way for Jesus to come forth from the tomb and open the way for us to follow.

When I was a kid, Easter, and Christmas for that matter, were all about the candy and the presents. Later in life, those holidays took on the religious aspects for me to the point that the candy and presents were an irritation to me. Now having had my own children and now grandchildren, I see there is room for all of it.


I hope all of you have a happy and joyous Easter weekend. I hope there are Easter Egg Hunts and Easter baskets, and reflection and reverence.

Happy Easter. He is risen



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