Teenager Arrested In Connection With Shooting: KSUB News SummaryTeenager Arrested In Connection With Shooting: KSUB News SummaryPolice say Apisai Matelau was arrested on one count of aggravated assault resulting in serious bodily injury.Dr. TDr. T
Washington County Person In Custody For Parents Murder: KSUB News SummaryWashington County Person In Custody For Parents Murder: KSUB News SummaryOn Wednesday, police arrested Mia Bailey who had turned herself in after a standoff with officers that began the day before.Dr. TDr. T
Governor Says To “Disagree Better”: KSUB News SummaryGovernor Says To “Disagree Better”: KSUB News SummaryUtah is in the middle of the road when it comes to confrontational drivers.Dr. TDr. T