The Dangers of Lake Season in Southern Utah
St. George summers are always something the locals tend to prepare for due to factors like water shortages and sweltering heat, but the thing that tends to catch us off-guard is when we get a little to careless when relaxing in the water.
The summer has barely begun, but there have already been a couple examples of what happens when safety advice is not taken seriously. This ranges from minor to terribly serious injuries.
Ryan Dambrosio, Battalion Chief for Dammeron Valley Fire and Rescue, is all too aware of what happens when safety is not taken seriously while out in the water. That includes any kind of swimming not just in lakes or reservoirs.
“We have seen an increase in calls, most of the calls have been either drowning type incidents or traumatic type incidents from slip and falls,” Dambrosio said. “We’re urging extreme caution to anybody who’s going to go out there and have some fun in the water. Just be cautious of where they’re walking and where they’re going.”
Dambrosio said the biggest issue at the moment has to do with moss buildup around the many edges of the lakes. The moss is apparently one of the biggest factors surrounding the many slip and fall incidents taking place in the past couple of weeks.
If you or your family are planning to take a trip to the lake anytime soon, Dambrosio highly encourages the use of life jackets and to always have your phone near you so you’ll be able to contact the authorities should any accident take place.
The lake is one of the best destinations to cool off during the crazy months of heat in St. George, but it’s not worth if you’re not safe. Fun is not worth it when it comes at the cost of your life.
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