Want To Dance In This Year’s Christmas Ceremony? Audition Time Is Now!
Believe it or not, it's time to get ready for the annual Downtown Christmas Lighting ceremonies. No, Santa is still safely ensconced at the North Pole, but the elves here in Cedar City are already making plans for this years festivities, and they are looking for help from, well maybe you!
If you would like to participate as a dancer this year in the ceremonies, the city is asking for you to audition now. Dancers need to be at least 17 years old, and the city is particularly looking for dancers aged 17-24. This year, dancers will be working with world renowned choreographer, Mic Thompson.
The ceremony this year is set for Saturday, November 25th. Anyone who has a mind to audition can submit an application by clicking this link. You must submit your interest in dancing by this Sunday, October 15th.
If the ceremony this year approaches what has happened in past years it is an event to not be missed. Last year, food trucks kicked off the event by opening around 4PM and a pre-show starting shortly after that. Then things really got going around 5PM culminating with the arrival of Santa. Last year he arrived by helicopter.
Community Christmas lighting ceremonies are cherished events that symbolize the essence of the holiday season – togetherness, joy, and unity. These ceremonies, held in towns and cities worldwide, serve as powerful reminders of the spirit of giving and the warmth of community bonds. And that is certainly the case here in Cedar City.
These ceremonies often feature various forms of entertainment, including musical performances by dancers and vocalists. Traditional carols echo through the air, fostering a sense of nostalgia and belonging. Families come together, children's faces light up with wonder, and adults rediscover the childlike joy of the season. It is a time when people set aside their differences and celebrate their shared humanity.
So while the ceremony is still several weeks away, for you dancers it's time to put on you Christmas shoes. Rehearsals will start the first week of November, and you, of course, need to be available on November 25th.
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