Burglary Call Leads to High Speed, Long-Range Chase
Kane County and Garfield County Sheriff's deputies responded to a burglary call around 2 a.m. Wednesday. A property owner had noticed something unusual at a neighbor's property in the Bryce Woodlands subdivision.
When confronted, the perpetrator fled in a Jeep with trailer carrying an ATV. The person who had reported the suspicious activity followed the Jeep on a dirt road, toward Highway 89. At some point, on the bumpy road, the trailer and ATV disconnected from the Jeep and came to rest in a ditch. The Jeep continued south on US 89 toward Kanab, when a Kane County deputy come upon the vehicle.
The Jeep attempted to flee, running stop lights through Kanab, at times, reaching speeds of over 90mph on US89A toward Fredonia, AZ. Near the Arizona line, another deputy prepared to stop the Jeep using spikes, but the vehicle turned down a side road. After a search of the area, deputies found the Jeep abandoned near Kanab Creek.
Several agencies, including the Kane County SWAT team, Utah Highway Patrol Troopers, a BLM Ranger and a Utah Department of Public Safety helicopter searched the area.
A break came when at about 8:30 a.m., a resident reported a stolen vehicle. The resident had gone to his vehicle to retrieve his wallet (left inside) when he discovered his vehicle missing. By contacting his credit card companies, authorities were able to ascertain that a credit card belonging to the resident had been used in Page, AZ.
Law enforcement in Page were contacted, where authorities were quickly able to spot the vehicle, effect a traffic stop and take the suspect into custody. 34-year-old Kyle Lang Turner, from Joseph, Utah was arrested without incident, and booked into jail in Page.
The case is still under investigation by the Kane County Sheriff's Office.