Cedar City Fifth Graders To Learn About Water Conservation: KSUB News Summary
The Central Iron County Water Conservancy District is holding the annual 5th Grade Water Fair field trip for all 5th graders in the Iron County School District on March 5th & 6th. The event is held for two days, and students will attend with their class for half of the school day during the event. Keynote presenter, Professor Brandon Wiggins from Southern Utah University, will start the fair with exciting water experiments for the students. Then classes will rotate to visit different groups where topics discussed will include: the water cycle, water conservation, water rights, watershed restoration, irrigation, etc. Students will participate in hands-on water experiments and in a water jeopardy game where the winning class will earn a pizza party.
SUU To Host International Womens Day Talk And Tea
In celebration of International Women’s Day, Southern Utah University is pleased to highlight the history of the strong women of Utah at the Pioneer Memorial Museum on 300 N. Main, Salt Lake City on March 8th at 2 p.m. International Women’s Day is a day dedicated to celebrating women’s achievements around the world, raising awareness of the challenges women face, and seeking to support the advancement of women. This celebration in Salt Lake is aimed at increasing knowledge of the remarkable women who made Utah, increasing community connections, sharing ideas about women and being inspired by the women in our lives. Featured speakers will include Lisa Olsen Tait and Rebekah Clark, followed by refreshments and time to chat.
Cedar High Athletic Trainer Awarded Trainer Of The Year
An Intermountain Health athletic trainer who supports student athletes and teams at Cedar High School has been selected as Utah’s 2023-24 Athletic Trainer of the Year by the Utah Athletic Trainers Association. Melissa Mendini-Gates has been a trainer at Cedar High School for nearly a decade and has developed a great bond during that time with student athletes, coaches, and parents who she supports on the field and in the training room. Mendini-Gates said her love for athletic training started with watching her dad, Ricky Mendini, who was the longtime athletic trainer at Southern Utah University.
Haley Speaks At Utah Valley University
Former U.N. Ambassador and South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley is in Utah Wednesday. Haley spoke to a crowd at an sold-out event at Utah Valley University. She doubled down on her claim that she is a new generation candidate offering Americans a choice in November. Haley emphasized that both President Biden and former President Trump will be in their 80s by the end of the next presidential term. Haley lost to former President Trump in the Michigan Primary on Tuesday. She says she is staying in the race at least through Super Tuesday on March 5th, when Utah and voters in 15 other states and territories head to the polls.
Blockbuster Flops That Ended Their Future Franchises
Gallery Credit: Emma Stefansky
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