Very Popular Item at Costco 

Last fall Costco began offering bars made of gold for members of the store to purchase and they have been buying them up. Gold prices have risen by 14% since January and the demand has increased. 

There are two types of 1-ounce bars sold at Costco. One has a stamp of a lady and the other an elephant. They also offer silver coins in a 25 pack that has a maple leaf stamped on the front. 

Here are some questions you may have about buying gold bars at Costco: 

Can I get a deal on gold from Costco? 

Yes, they have priced the bars aggressively. 

Where do I go to purchase gold bars at Costco? 

They are available online with a limit of two per member. Costco ships the gold and silver to you. 

Do they offer gold samples on Saturdays like they do with food items? 

This is a no. 

If I wear a pirate outfit and bring my own treasure chest, can I get the buccaneer discount? 

Also, a hard no, but would definitely enjoy seeing you stand in the prow of a grocery cart yelling, "Out of me way ye land lubbers!" 

Photo by Sergey Semin on Unsplash
Photo by Sergey Semin on Unsplash

There was a time a few years ago when getting a multi pack of toilet paper was like finding gold at Costco, now you can actually buy the real thing.

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Gallery Credit: Stephen Lenz

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