Southern Utah Trump Supporters: Hang Your Head In Shame
You might think by the headline that I'm here to rant about how terrible it is that people could even consider putting Donald Trump back in the White House. Nope. If Trump is your guy that's great. I have no problem with that. If you have listened to me on the radio, you know that I don't get all that wound up by presidential races or candidates.
I study, compare candidate policies and positions to my core values and make my votes based on that. And, with one exception, I haven't voted for a major party candidate for president for a couple of decades now.
So, if you are all excited to go to the polls next year and cast you vote to put Trump back in office, go for it. I support you totally.
But for those in our area making all the noise about Trump here in southern Utah I have a word for you. Pikers
What leads me to this conclusion? Check out this story from Stacker. It shows the zip codes in Utah donating the most money to the former president. These are people who are actually putting their money where the mouths are. Guess what area of the state isn't all that and a bag of chips. Yep, you're living in it.
The rankings are based on the total donation amount of the zip code per 1,000 people in that zip code. The top 25 zip codes were listed in the survey. For the the more populated places in southern Utah it wasn't pretty
84721 – Cedar City's newest zip code covering the north part of town and Enoch, came in at number 22. 84720 – Cedar's other zip code placed at number 19. 84790 - one of the zip codes for St. George came in at number 9, but before the Dixieites start chest thumping, the other zip code for the city didn't even show up in the top 25.
Showing up ahead of those cities at number 2 was Park City. Let that sink in. Park City! The lib center of Utah. The wine and cheese capitol of the state. The place where Mitt Romney built an enormous ski mansion after losing the 2012 presidential campaign. Park City beating St. George and Cedar. Pathetic.
Folks, let me tell you something about political candidate contributions. They speak volumes about who we are as individuals and what we believe in. When we choose to financially support a candidate, we are making a statement, a declaration of our values, and our vision for the future of our great nation.
Whether we donate to a conservative or liberal candidate, it tells the world where we stand on the political spectrum. It showcases our beliefs about the role of government, the economy, social issues, and the overall direction we want our country to take. Our contributions serve as a symbol of our alignment with a particular set of principles and values.
It's no secret that political campaigns require funding to be successful. When we contribute to a candidate, we are investing in their campaign and, to some extent, seeking influence and access. Our contributions can give us a seat at the table, allowing us to voice our concerns, share our ideas, and potentially shape policy decisions. It's a way of actively participating in the political process beyond casting our votes on Election Day.
And for the most part, Trump supporters around here have their hands in their pockets. I'm still reeling over the Park City thing.
However, there is one bright, shining spot for the Trump faithful. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you New Harmony, Utah on top of the rankings in the rankings of zip code contributions.
At least one community around here knows how to get its Trump on.
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