Utah Midsummer Renaissance Faire Welcomes Visitors
Wait? What? Midsummer already? At the risk of putting panic in to the hearts of my half-empty friends, it is true that 6 six of the twelve weeks of summer are now gone, and it won't be all that long until the yellow school buses will be rolling through the streets of Cedar City, and we will be ready to cheer the SUU Thunderbirds on to the football field.
But, let's leave that behind and bring this discussion to the half-full aspect that we still have half of a summer to enjoy. A highlight of the midpoint of summer is going on through Saturday evening at Cedar City's Main Street Park. It's the annual Utah Midsummer Renaissance Faire. Two years ago, the faire was cancelled because of the pandemic, and a year ago attendance and and the number of vendors were down from normal levels, but attendance has rebounded in 2022, and atendees are noticing near record numbers of merchants. In medieval times, vendors brought their wares, along with their families, in wooden carts to the base of the city's walls. They set up a temporary shelter where their families slept, ate and played. Guildsmen worked at their crafts whenever business was light, and everyone sold hard, shouting their wares at passersby. Festival days were a joyous gathering of people, a bustling social event, full of color, music, laughter, and endless commotion.
The Utah Midsummer Renaissance Faire has a long-standing tradition of fun, excitement, and great memories. For over 30 years, people from around the world have gathered in Cedar City, Utah to be a part of these festivities. The renaissance faire is a chance to immerse yourself in days gone by. Performers include bellydancers, medieval musical acts, comedy troupes and historical impersonators. Merchants will offer the finest of costumes, knives and swords, toys, medieval home decorations, chainmail, leather, homemade goods and everything your princess, knight, or pirate heart desires. Live in the moment with a temporary henna tattoo or face paint! Restore your vigor with food and drink selections from across all the known lands. You can get more information about the Utah Midsummer Renaissance Faire here.
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