Cedar City To Give Presentation On Airport Master Plan
You don’t have to look around very hard to see that there is a lot going on in Cedar City. Of course, we all notice the construction and see the increase in traffic, but I’m talking more about events and activities becoming even more common place. For example, coming in to do the Tradio show on Saturday I noticed the Main Street Park was filled with kids getting ready for the Easter Egg hunt, and this happening in not the best weather. You couldn’t dissuade the kids from enjoying the day.
With that in mind, we are happy that Gabrielle (Gabbie) Costello is planning to join us regularly on the radio show to talk about events and happening here. If you’re not aware, Gabbie is the Public Information Officer for Cedar City. We’re hoping this will happen on the first Monday of each month, and Gabbie was here with us this morning to talk about some of the events going on.
There was three specific pints Gabbie wanted to discuss this morning. The first was a meeting coming up that area residents are encouraged to attend. Costello told us, “there is a lot is going out going on out at the airport actually. And one thing we've been working on for the last 2 1/2 years, I would say is the airport master plan.”
The master plan for the airport looks at growth and other factors expected in the next ten, twenty and thirty years So we do lots of planning and master plans in the city for all types of things. The city has partnered with a company, and they have put together a presentation for the public.
That presentation will be offered in an “open house” type meeting. Costello gave us the meeting specifics, “so they're going to present all of that next week on Wednesday, April 10th from 5:00 to 7:00 at Festival Hall. And it's just come as you go. It's an open house style and come learn about what's going on at the airport.”
There will be staff there to answer your questions. In public meetings, Costello told us that often people will express desire to have additional flights and destinations. Some of that is limited because passenger service in Cedar City is provided by the Essential Air Service program from the U.S Department of Transportation and must operate within the parameters of that program.
Gabbie also wanted to let us know that the Skate Park is now open again. “Yes. So it was closed for about a month and we are able to remodel it and redesign (it),” Costello told us. The Skate Park remodel was provided by funding from the recently renewed RAP tax.
“And then also funded by RAP tax is a new slide at Lake at the Hills, which is up by the Aquatic Center. And that's brand new,” Costello continued.
Lake of the Hills is open, but it’s probably still a little too cold to go jumping or sliding in right now. Memorial Day might be a better option to try the new slide as Costello told us that will also be the day that “the rentals for the kayaks and all that doesn't start till Memorial Day.”
The last this Gabbie wanted to mention is a survey coming up for some area residents that we’ve written about before. “Some of our residents might have gotten a letter in the mail, which is from our water division. And if your home was built in 1990 or before, you will get a letter about a water pipe survey and we're doing that through the state and it's a national initiative as well to make sure there's no more lead pipes anywhere,”
Gabbie mentioned that anyone who wants to receive the monthly newsletter produced by Cedar City can sign up to get it on the Cedar City website.
You can listen to our entire segment with Gabbie below, and we look forward to having her with us on a regular basis.
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Gallery Credit: Reesha Cosby
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