The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has reappeared in the news in the last couple of days due to a 60 Minutes segment featuring a “whistleblower” alleging unlawful activity by the church in relation to its tax exempt status. I'm not here to discuss the merits of the accusations. The IRS dismissed the case and the church settled with the SEC.

No, what perturbs me, and what I mentioned on the radio show this morning is the mindset that will be in some, and is witnessed time and time again here in the United States. It's the attitude that some had after seeing the reports that, in effect says “Good! Get those Mormons!”

And it's not just specific here. How many times have you heard “get those Catholics,” “get those Muslims,””get those liberals” and the list goes on and on.


It's the “get em” attitude that to me needs to be gotten.

The "get em" attitude refers to a mindset or approach that is focused on aggressively pursuing and defeating one's opponents or adversaries. It is often associated with a combative and confrontational stance, where the primary objective is to overpower or undermine others, rather than seeking cooperation or understanding.

While a "get em" attitude may seem appealing in certain contexts, such as competitive sports or individual achievements, it can be detrimental when applied to broader societal or interpersonal interactions.


A divided America is undesirable for several reasons. First and foremost, division hinders progress and impedes the ability to address pressing issues effectively. When society is divided, it becomes challenging to find common ground and work towards shared goals.

Division breeds animosity and erodes social cohesion. When people are pitted against each other based on political affiliations, race, religion, or other factors, it fosters an "us versus them" mentality.


Economically, a divided America can have negative consequences. Political polarization often leads to policy paralysis and uncertainty, which can hinder economic growth and investment. When there is a lack of consensus on economic policies, businesses may hesitate to make long-term investments or expand operations, leading to stagnation and a weakened economy. A united America, with a clear and stable vision, inspires confidence and encourages economic stability and prosperity.

Additionally, the "get em" attitude often neglects the importance of empathy and understanding. It prioritizes winning or proving oneself right over genuinely listening to others' perspectives and finding common ground. This can perpetuate divisions and hinder constructive dialogue.

Approaching conflicts with a "get em" attitude can escalate tensions and make resolution more difficult. When the focus is solely on defeating the other party, it becomes challenging to find mutually beneficial solutions or engage in compromise.


Adopting a "get em" attitude often means shutting oneself off from alternative perspectives or ideas. It limits opportunities for personal growth, learning from others, and discovering new possibilities.

The confrontational nature of a "get em" attitude can strain relationships and hinder effective collaboration.


And overarching all constantly being in a "get em" mode can lead to chronic stress, aggression, and hostility. It can have negative effects on one's mental well-being and overall quality of life.


And if we are constantly bickering amongst ourselves, who is watching the outside forces that may be combining to bring us in to ruin?

I have been guilty in the past of having a “get em” mentality in thinking that if someone or some group was suffering and uncomfortable, that was better for me. It was not. It is not.


There are policies and philosophies that I don't agree with. But I don't want any of the people who promote those things “gotten,” unless there has been some sort of criminal activity and even if that's the case it's still not on me to be the “getter.”


Just remember, it is those who are divided that are ripe for being conquered.


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