Get Ready: Utah Big Game Hunting Season Application Period Opens Soon!
Even the fall is still a little way off, hunters in Utah should begin gearing up for another big game hunting season. If you're looking to harvest your own deer or elk meat, it's essential to mark your calendars for the upcoming application period and ensure you apply for hunts before the deadline.
The application period for Utah's big game hunts is set for March and April, similar to last year. Starting from March 21 at 8 a.m. until April 25 at 11 p.m., hunters can apply online or over the phone by contacting the nearest DWR regional office.
One notable change this year is the earlier release of drawing results on May 16, providing hunters with more time to plan their hunting trips. The application dates were shifted from January to March based on public demand to allow hunters access to proposed permit numbers before applying.
While most big game hunt applications open on March 21, exceptions include permits for general-season bull elk hunts, which won't be available until July. Hunters can purchase permits for specific elk hunts online, at DWR offices, or through licensed agents.
For those interested in a broader hunting experience, Utah's Dedicated Hunter program offers access to all general-season deer hunts. Information about the program and joining procedures can be found on the DWR website.
Navigating new hunting areas or targeting different species can be daunting, but the Utah Hunt Planner provides valuable insights. This interactive map offers detailed information from DWR biologists, helping hunters identify prime hunting spots, understand terrain, and locate access points.
Even if you're not planning to hunt in 2024, applying for a bonus or preference point can increase your chances of securing a permit in the future. Applications for these points must be submitted by April 25, with another opportunity available during the antlerless application period in June.
For detailed instructions on applying for a 2024 Utah big game hunting permit, consult the 2024 Utah Big Game Application Guidebook or contact your nearest DWR office. Prepare early, apply diligently, and get ready for an unforgettable hunting season in Utah's wilderness.