Suicide Awareness Bus Stops in St. George, UT
The Suicide Awareness Bus and Spirit House came through St. George Wednesday and Thursday spreading hope for suicide survivors.
The Suicide Awareness Bus is a place for suicide survivors and family members of those lost to suicide to write names, bring ashes, and garner hope from Cory Richez and Kelly Logan. The couple have spent a few years travelling the country in the bus going to suicide awareness 5ks, seminars, and even troubled teen facilities.
Richez is originally from AZ where he and his wife sold a 50-acre ranch and everything they owned to start the Suicide Awareness Bus, Richez said.
“We do candlelight visuals, we do awareness walks, we do speeches,” Richez said. “Our last one was at the Peak Mental Health Facility for Troubled Teens. And we speak about perception in a time of grief. Our approach on mental health is based off the individual. So, meaning what helps that individual that approaches us. So, some people choose to spread ashes, some people choose to bring photographs, some people recently have been bringing in locks of hair, whatever helps that individual.”
About 80 percent of the names on the “memorial wall” are commitments according to Richez. The other 20 percent are suicide survivors who write their names or messages of encouragement.
About a year ago, the original Suicide Awareness Bus caught fire, leaving Richez and Logan homeless at 40, he told me. The donations and hard work of individuals brought a new one to life which has been traveling around for five months.
Both Logan and Richez are passionate about sharing the message of hope for suicide awareness and working to change the perception of suicide one stop at a time.
“I want America to know that you know no matter what it is that you're pushing for what, it is that you believe in or love, it matters,” Richez said. “Your thoughts matter and put positive thought. Write down those positive thoughts, act those positive thoughts out in motion and each and every one of our lives will get better. We believe in you.”
The Suicide Awareness Bus will be at the Walmart in Bloomington until about 8 p.m.
However, if you miss it and would like something added you can message Richez and Logan on their social media and they will add the message for you.
Call the Suicide Hotline at 988 if you or someone you know is considering suicide.