Utah Wildlife Board Approves Changes To Black Bear Management And Hunting Rules
The Utah Wildlife Board convened for a public meeting where several significant changes to the state's wildlife management and regulations were approved. The focus areas included adjustments to the black bear management plan and hunting rules, updates to poaching reporting rewards, modifications to unit elk plans, amendments to the prohibited species list, and other miscellaneous items.
In terms of black bear management, the board acknowledged that 2024 would mark the third year of a three-year recommendation cycle for black bear hunting. Consequently, no changes to permit numbers for black bears were recommended for the upcoming season, with only season dates adjusted for the calendar year. The board also voted to update rules regarding mandatory bear hunting orientation courses. Previously required before applying for a permit, the course is now mandatory only if an individual draws out for the permit. Additionally, hunters were mandated to possess the orientation course certificate, either physically or electronically, while hunting or pursuing a black bear.
The Utah Black Bear Management Plan, effective until 2035, saw a modification as the board voted to remove a small paragraph mandating a statewide rollup of harvest variables. This change allows biologists greater flexibility in addressing bear populations in specific units based on various factors like drought impacts and human conflicts.
Another notable adjustment pertained to updates in the rule for poaching reporting rewards. The board made several changes, such as providing more protection for reporting parties, accounting for instances where individuals qualify for multiple permits, removing references to cougar permits following legislative changes, considering unlawful take of a trophy animal as a permit-eligible violation, and mandating the inclusion of poaching rewards in the DWR's annual report.
The Utah Statewide Elk Management Plan, effective until 2032, underwent changes with updates to eight hunting unit management plans and the splitting of plans for two units to better represent separate elk populations.
Additionally, the board rectified an error made in November 2023 regarding the prohibited species list, removing the convict cichlid, an ornamental fish species, from the list. This change allows individuals to possess and transport convict cichlids like other commonly sold ornamental fish.
Lastly, the meeting covered informational updates on the legislative repeal of a rule related to inedible byproducts of game animals and shed antler gathering recommendations. Official proposals for shed antler gathering rules will be presented at future public meetings, with potential changes not taking effect until 2025. The Utah Wildlife Board demonstrated a commitment to adaptive and effective wildlife management through these approved modifications and updates.
If you would like to watch the entire meeting it is available on You Tube.
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