Anyone Mind If I Sit This One Out?
So the wind is starting to pick up, the clouds are moving in and by all accords we're getting ready for a whopper of a storm tonight. Some accounts have a foot of snow falling through the night in the Cedar City area. It looks like even St. George won't escape snow fall. Hmm, accumulating snow in St. George. Maybe the end of the world is coming.
Any way it's not the first winter storm we have faced here and certainly won't be the last. But, I have to say, I wouldn't mind sitting this one out. The idea of sitting home, watching the snow fall, and not really concerned about it, well I think I could do that.
Staying home during a winter storm can be both comforting but at the same time challenging. While it is nice to be warm and cozy inside, it can also feel isolating and claustrophobic. Here's a few things you could do to make the most of your time indoors during a winter storm.
First and foremost, make sure you have enough food, water, and other essential supplies to last through the storm. This includes things like batteries, flashlights, blankets, and medications. And don't forget your animal companions. Do they have enough food? Do they have proper shelter and warmth?
Keep your home at a comfortable temperature by bundling up in warm clothes and blankets. If you have a fireplace or wood stove, make sure you have plenty of wood to keep the fire going.
Stay entertained. Read a book, watch a movie, or play games with your family or roommates. This is a great time to catch up on that TV show you've been meaning to watch or to start a new puzzle or craft project. Listen to those of us who stumble in to work to be on the radio (and you can laugh at us).
Stay connected. Use your phone or computer to stay in touch with friends and family who are also stuck inside. You can video chat, text, or call to check in on each other and pass the time together.
Stay safe. Avoid going outside if possible, but if you must, make sure you wear warm clothing and sturdy shoes to prevent slips and falls. Clear any snow or ice from your sidewalks and driveway to prevent accidents.
Overall, staying home through a winter storm requires preparation and patience, but it can also be a time to slow down and enjoy some downtime and listen to the radio. Just remember to stay safe and take care of yourself and those around you.