Is Utah Team Elsa Or Team Ariel?
Once again, we in Utah are bucking the trends. This survey will do nothing to take away the perception that we are a bunch of odd balls here in the Beehive State, certainly a peculiar people. But we now have the answer to the question that has been keeping me awake night after night. Who is Utah's favorite Disney princess? Well, I think I can sleep tonight thanks to this article from CableTV.com that will settle this burning issue.
It seems that we Beehivers have a great affection for Jasmine, the princess who was captivated by the rascally Aladdin (both animated and live action). As far as Elsa, the number one princess in this survey for the entire country in general, we were apparently ready to let her go. And the supporters of Ariel here in Utah just couldn't seem to find their voices.
No, shunning both the number one and number two choices from across the United States, we here in Utah settled for the princess that came in third. We were not alone in that choice. In an odd grouping of states, Jasmine came out on tops not only here in Utah, but also in Nevada, Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, Arizona. And here's where it gets weird. Jasmine also was the most searched princess in New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Delaware and the District of Columbia. When was last time you saw the Mountain West states line up with states in the northeast?
And there were some other outliers in the study also. Pocahontas topped the list along most of the west coast in Washington and Oregon, along with Illinois, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Arkansas and Georgia.
The Beauty, from Beauty and the Beast, Belle was the favorite in South Dakota and West Virginia.
Some states walked their own path, with Louisiana picking hometown favorite Tiana, New Hampshire let their hair down for Rapunzel, Hawaii rode the waves with Moana and Alaska seemed to have an affinity towards Snow White. Snow White in Alaska? Who would of thought?
Now, all this could change dramatically this coming weekend with movie goers getting ready to see the new live action version of The Little Mermaid. That might put Ariel ahead of all comers.
Of course none of this helps me. The Disney character I relate most to is Eeyore and I don't see him topping any list.
I still have to wonder if picking the third choice here in Utah will continue the perception that we are just out of step with the rest of the nation. Oh, well no time to worry about that. Knowing that we have made a choice means there will be sleep tonight.