The story of Officer Ashworth is a reminder to be grateful of where we are today
Covid-19 took many wonderful people away from their friends and family in both permanent and temporary fashions. Such separation was not limited to the average working man, but members of law enforcement as well.
Adam Ashworth was an officer for the St. George Police Department who sadly passed away due to complications with Covid-19 in 2021. He was among many officers and other workers memorialized in Washington DC on May 13.
Covid-19 has taken so many incredible people away from us, and it brings to mind how important it is to stay positive in such a turbulent age.
Officer Ashworth is a perfect example of such a reminder as well as the many others who were mentioned in Washington DC.
These past three years have been a rollercoaster of emotions and I know I’m not the only one who wishes we could’ve said more to the ones we loved before we lost them.
Despite such luxuries, we need to keep moving forward with smiles on our faces and live for those who will come after us.
Officer Ashworth was just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the casualties from Covid-19, but it also could’ve been so much worse if it wasn’t for the wonderful people who are working tirelessly behind the scenes to make tomorrow just a little bit brighter.
Even though it’s always sad to lose a loved one to something you can’t control, it’s also important to learn and improve upon the legacies left behind by those who have left us.