Busy Year For Quagga Mussel Inspections
It was a busy boating season for the Division of Wildlife Resources, along with other agencies, in the ongoing task of stopping the spread of the invasive quagga mussel. The DWR was in the lead of statewide efforts to inspect and decontaminate boats. Since January 1st, technicians with the DWR, Utah State Parks, Arizona Game and Fish Department and the National Park Service have inspected 244,909 boats, and preformed decontamination on 4,276 craft. Of the inspections, 66,239 took place at Lake Powell. 933 of the decontamination's were also at Lake Powell. The dip tank installed at the Stateline Launch Ramp provided more than half of the decontamination's. Along with the inspections and decontamination's, DWR conservation officers issued 588 citations and warning citations violations of Utah laws enacted to prevent the spread of the quagga mussel. The number of inspections and decontamination's were down from 2021.