Cedar City Fire Department Preps For Fire Prevention Week
The Cedar City Fire Department is promoting the annual Fire Prevention Week, which is scheduled for October 9th through the 15th. The purpose of the event is to raise awareness of the dangers of house fires, and to provide information on ways homeowners and residents can cut down on the risk of a house fire.
Greg Orloski, Deputy Marshall for the Cedar City Fire Department, and Gabbie Costello, Public Information Officer for Cedar City joined us on the radio to discuss specifics on steps residents can and should take.
Detect That Smoke
The first thing that was mentioned was to make sure that the home had working smoke detectors. Notice that's plural. It is recommended that there is a working smoke detector in every bedroom and hall, and at least one more in the living areas of each floor.
Orloski then mentioned the need to establish and then practice an escape plan. First of all start by establishing an escape route (or routes) and make sure everyone who lives in the home is familiar with it. Identify all possible exits and clear the path. When you walk through your plan, make sure any doors and windows can be easily opened. For children, consider drawing a floor plan marking, if possible, two ways out of every room, including doors and windows. If the household has infants, older adults, or persons with mobility issues, make sure someone is assigned to assist them. Choose an easily recognizable outside meeting place a safe distance in front of your home where everyone can meet after they have escaped. That meeting place should be a minimum of thirty feet away, and preferably across the street from the home. Make sure everyone knows the home address and a contact phone number emergency personnel can contact. The 911 dispatcher will ask for that information.
Once the plan is in place, it's time to practice Exit Drills in the Home, or EDITH. Make your drills as realistic as possible, and practice these drills as often as it is practical. Allow children to master fire escape planning and practice. Keep in mind the purpose of the drill is to practice and not to frighten.
Once Out, Stay Out
Under no circumstances should you ever go back in to a burning building. If some someone is missing, inform the 911 operator when you call. Make sure someone is available to meet with firefighters when they arrive to provide information on where in the house that missing person might be. And one last tip, close all the doors you possibly can while departing. A closed door can slow the spread of fire.
The fire department is planning several activities for the community during Fire Prevention Week. One activity will have area elementary school students exploring the department's Life Safety House, where the students will be introduced to escape planning and life saving tips. If you want to get a jump on information for the upcoming Fire Prevention Week you can get more by going to this website.
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