Enoch City Officials Release Information On Previous Incidents With Haight Family
Under the Government Records Access and Management Act, also known as GRAMA, news outlets in the state requested information regarding previous incidents regarding the Haight family in Enoch. Those records were provided to those news outlets, with privacy issues redacted. As a result of this release, questions as to the policy and procedures adhered to by law enforcement were raised.
Specifically regarding Michael Haight, the Enoch City Police Department received information from the Utah Department of Child and Family Services allegations of abuse by Haight. Investigators conducted interviews with Macie Haight and Tausha Earl Haight regarding those allegations. These interviews were conducted separately and in accordance with best practices where Macie Haight was interviewed at the Iron County Children's Justice Center by those with specialized training related to child abuse. As part of the investigation process, all incidents where a CJC interview is conducted brings together a multi-interagency team that includes the DCFS, CJC, Victim's Advocates, the Iron County Attorney's Office and others. This was done for the incident to provide ongoing support to Macie Haight and Tausha Earl Haight.
After the investigation was complete by multiple agencies, the Enoch City Police Department communicated with the Iron County Attorney's office and reviewed the details of the investigation. After the review, it was determined that the case did not meet all the requirements required by statute for prosecution.
Enoch City officials continued to express gratitude for all who have offered any type of support to those impacted.
The investigation in to the incident on January 4th by law enforcement and the Utah State Medical Examiner is continuing and the city does not anticipate releasing more information until those investigations are complete.