New Rule Outlaws E-Bikes In Wildlife Management Areas
After being passed by the Utah Wildlife Board in August, a new e-bike rule officially went into effect Nov. 7. Class 2 and class 3 e-bikes are now classified as “motorized vehicles” by rule, so motorized vehicle restrictions on wildlife or waterfowl management areas now apply to these classes of e-bikes as well. These restrictions are often publicized with “no motorized vehicles” signs in areas of the WMAs. Previously, only waterfowl management areas had rules about e-bike use and stated that only class 1 e-bikes could be used on established roads and other authorized areas. This new rule now extends the same e-bike rule to wildlife management areas, as well. Class 2 and class 3 e-bikes, which can self-propel (and often contain a throttle), are prohibited from leaving roads open to motorized vehicles on all waterfowl and wildlife management areas. There are 193 wildlife management areas and waterfowl management areas in Utah. The DWR started acquiring the areas in the late 1940s for several reasons.