Prescribed fire pile burning has begun in the North Kaibab Ranger District of the Kaibab National Forest. Pile burning will continue for the rest of fall and in to the winter season. With snow already on the ground, and more snow forecast, this provides an excellent opportunity for fire crews to burn and consume piled slash and woody debris left from previous forest restoration projects. Now through February of 2023, some 330 acres of piles near the Dry Park Lookout Tower and Pleasant Valley cabin are planned for prescribed burning operations. Additional hand and machine pile burnings are planned near Jacob Lake and east of the North Rim Country Store near DeMotte Campground will happen during the winter. Operations began today near the Dry Park Lookout Tower. Little smoke is expected from today's operation, but smoke may be visible and Forest Road 22 may be impacted as operations continue. Smoke production is generally minimal, but some smoke has the potential to settle overnight into the lower elevations due to fluctuating atmospheric temperatures that produce night time inversions. Forest visitors are urged to avoid active hot areas and use caution when passing through prescribed fire project areas.

Courtesy Kaibab National Forest
Courtesy Kaibab National Forest

North Rim Closes

Also today, the road will close to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. The road, Arizona State Road 67, will close for winter today at 6PM. The entrance gate to the North Rim will close today at 5PM. Forest roads remain open for now, but most have snow and ice on them. Also, today is the last day for cutting firewood in the North Kaibab Ranger District of the forest, and also the last day to buy a permit to cut wood. Wood can be cut in the Williams and Tusayan Ranger Districts through December 31st.

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