You PROBABLY Grew Up Mormon If You Did THESE THINGS!
If you've grown up in Utah, you either grew up Mormon (LDS) or you were surrounded by people that grew up Mormon. Either way... This list should ring true with you!
You've whittled one piece of wood into a car for the "Pinewood Derby"!:
Wore a CTR Ring:
Got excited looking at BRAND NEW CTR rings:
You prayed for a Donut to "Nourish & Strengthen" your body:
You couldn't swim on Sundays:
Shopping on Sunday was a HUGE NO-NO!:
You knew a dude named Nephi, Ammon, or Dallin:
"Suck", "Fart", "Crap" or "Shut Up" were BAD WORDS!:
You know what "D.I.", "R.M.", "F.H.E.", and "MoTab" are short for:
You've had a "DIET, CAFFEINE FREE" beverage:
You've had Shasta, Squirt, or Fresca at your parties:
You haven't seen half the movies everyone talks about:
You've been on a "Shopping Spree" at Deseret Book:

WHAT?! It's ILLEGAL To Name Your Baby THIS In Utah!
Is it actually illegal to name your baby certain names? Yes, actually. In the United States, as well as other countries across the globe they have names that are illegal or banned!
Some reasons a name would be banned:
- character limits
- obscene or unpleasant names
- brackets and blank spaces and symbols
- royal names, official titles
- product names, company names, superhero names
- controversial names
This one seems interesting, but now that I think about it, I don't think I've EVER heard of someone named King.
Of course, you can't have one be illegal without the other. No King Or Queen allowed in the US.
Jesus Christ:
Why would you do this to your child? To be funny? Or maybe you're EXTREMELY religious, and want to name your child after the child of God. Either way... don't do that to your kid.
Three? Eye, Eye, Eye? I think the problem here is the Roman numerals.
I know it's not illegal to have the LAST NAME "Judge", but apparently the first name "Judge" is banned in the states!
This one shocks me the most. Really? You can't name your kid Duke?
Santa Claus:
Everybody, meet my son Santa Claus! He's jolly 365 days a year! This is another one. Don't do that to your kid!
There's gotta be a Majesty out there in the US, right? Definitely a stripper name, but still! That's surprising!
Adolf Hitler:
If the name is on this list, that means someone tried it and failed! WHY. WOULD. YOU. DO. THAT. TO. YOUR. KID?
This one doesn't seem THAT WILD if you're religious, but don't even think about it! NOPE!
No symbols! Not allowed. But even then... why would you want to name your kid "At"?
Why is this even on the list? Did someone try this? I can see 42069, but 1069? Weird!
New Zealand:
- 4Real
- Knight
- Royale
- Saint
- Justice
- Bishop
- Chief Maximus
- Fish and Chips
- Lucifer
- .
- Anal
Saudi Arabia:
- Sandy
- Elaine
- Alice
- Amir (prince)
- Duke
- Spinach
- Batman
- Bonghead
- God
- iMac
- Smelly
- Metallica
- Veranda
- Superman
- Ikea
- Elvis
- Christ
- Robocop
- Rocky
- Rolling Stone
- Burger King
- All Power
- Harry Potter
Shoutout to WeHaveKids.Com for the help on this article.

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